Welcome to ELCSports Winter Basketball Registration! Every student who wishes to participate in the Winter Basketball Season must:
- Be registered through SportsEngine and pay the registration fee
- Read and agree to all ELCSports Codes of Conduct
- Submit an updated physical to the coach or ELCSports@dpsk12.net before the first game of the season.
ELCSports will be using a lottery system for all of its registration processes.
- After registration closes, families will be notified within 3-5 business days whether or not their student has been placed on the team.
- If a team is over capacity at the time of the lottery (12 for basketball), students will be randomly selected and placed on the team.
- If a team is under capacity at the time of the lottery, all students will be placed on the team.
The remaining students will be placed on the team’s waitlist.
- After the lottery selection process, registration will re-open for teams with remaining space, and students will be placed on the team on a first-come, first-served basis until the team reaches capacity.
- Families on the waitlist will have a choice to receive a credit or a refund.
Click HERE for Lottery FAQs