ELCSports 2024-2025 FAQs
What is ELCSports?
ELCSports is part of the Extended Learning and Community Schools (ELCS) department in Denver Public Schools. The ELCSports program offers elementary athletic leagues during the school year for 4th and 5th graders, inclusive of all genders. The first season was Spring 2023 with 11 participating schools. ELCSports will align with DPS Middle and High School Athletics regarding sports offered and the pay-to-play model. ELCSports will create a pipeline for DPS Elementary students to prepare them and enhance their skills for DPS Middle School Athletics. Students participating in ELCSports will develop their athletic abilities, learn leadership skills, and understand the importance of sportsmanship.
What is the plan for expanding to more schools?
4 Regions for SY 24/25:
School not on the list above?
For SY 24/25, ELCSports will utilize a waitlist system for any interested schools not currently hosting ELCS programming.
We plan to offer ELCSports to all DPS elementary schools by 2025-2026!
How are the leagues and teams organized?
ELCSports will have 4 regional leagues based on the regions above. We are hopeful this will allow teams to play at nearby school communities. Teams will be composed of 4th and 5th grade students, inclusive of all genders.
What do the ELCSports seasons look like?
ELCSports leagues will run for 9 weeks:
Weeks 1-2: Practice only for skill development and understanding of rules and regulations.
Weeks 3-8: Practice, with one game per week.
Week 9: Practice and end of season tournament at regional DPS high school
ELCSports league dates for the 2023-2024 School Year:
ELCSports League |
Registration Window (6am Open, Midnight Close) |
Lottery Date |
League Dates |
Fall Outdoor - Flag Football or Soccer |
8/21-9/30** |
9/3/24 |
9/9-11/9 |
Winter Indoor - Basketball |
1/6-1/17 |
1/21/25 |
2/3-4/12 |
**Please note: Schools may need extra time to secure a coach. In this case, schools will have a delayed registration and still receive 10 days to register**
How does my school participate in the 2024-2025 School Year?
Review the regional scale-out in the information above.
Designate a Point Person for each season:
Responsible for leading the recruitment of the coach and referee
Can also be the coach or referee
Paid (by ELCS Department) position, Designated for the entire school year
The Point Person, with support from the school leaders, is responsible for finding their coach and referee with recruitment flyers provided by ELCSports. Coaches need previous experience in sports.
Coaches and referees will be paid by the ELCS Department.
The Point Person will be responsible for distributing student registration flyers provided by ELCSports.
What support will the ELCSports team provide our school?
Registration and communications support: All participating schools will have a page on the ELCSports website. Coaches will be able to communicate with families through our Sports Engine website (click here!) or the app.
ELCSports will provide jerseys for each school, with the school name on them.
ELCSports will provide equipment for the specific league, if needed.
Coaches and referees will submit the application via the DPS job board and be paid through the ELCS department for their time. Hourly rate for coaches is $20+ based on DPS coaching experience in that specific sport. Hourly rate for referees is $20.
ELCSports will line the school’s field and deliver all equipment the first week of practices.
We will have a pre-season meeting to solidify rules/expectations, offer support and resources, etc. A calendar invite will be sent by ELCSports Admin.
ELCSports will also recruit internally and externally for coach and referee positions with DPS District Talent Acquisition teams.
What is the cost for students to participate in ELCSports?
Aligning with DPS Athletics, the pay-to-play fee for SY 24/25 will be $35 for all registered students-athletes.
ELCSports will provide equipment/jerseys and compensate the coach and referee. ELCSports has not received any additional funding for this program, so we are asking school communities to consider how they will support students who may be unable to pay the fee (PTO, scholarship funds, etc).
What is required for students to participate?
Be in 4th or 5th grade
Complete registration process through ELCSports website, including $35 registration fee
Complete and submit sports physical (by licensed practitioner) during registration or to the coach, prior to first game
What are the expectations for student-athletes, spectators, and families regarding code of conduct?
ELCSports Admin has finalized handbooks that name rules of each sport and codes of conduct for all parties involved in ELCSports. These will be added to the ELCSports website and will be required to view and sign during seasonal registrations.
ELCSports Admin will also review all policies during pre-season meetings.
Any incident at practices and/or games around negative conduct, will be addressed with school leaders by ELCSports Admin, ELCS Department, DPS Safety and Security, etc.
What if the school team has more than the maximum number allowed per team?
After discussing with the school leaders/coach, ELCSports Admin will complete a lottery and notify families in 3-5 business days.
Equitable criteria utilized in lottery decisions include:
5th graders. As this is their final opportunity to play the sport while representing their school.
If your student participated in the Fall soccer league, we looked to give other students an opportunity
Gender equity. Striving for an equal number of genders on the team.
Students were then randomly selected